Men's luxury black watches , what kind of watches will men be wearing in 2022? What’s in style? What’s new and innovative in watchmaking? To take a look at some of the trends I see on the horizon, let’s take a brief glance back at what was happening in the world of men’s luxury black watches just 10 years ago... Men's luxury black watches What are some of the newest technologies? In 2022, the top men's luxury black watches will be those that incorporate the newest technologies. For example, many watches will now be able to track fitness data and display notifications from a smartphone. Solar charging and wireless charging are also becoming more common. Some of the best men's luxury black watches will also feature sapphire crystal faces, which are more scratch-resistant than traditional materials. Sapphire crystals also make it easier for a watch to withstand temperature changes. Other improvements include thinner designs, longer battery life, and increas...